Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm On My Way

"On your way to what?" you're probably asking right now. I'm on my way to fitness ofcourse!This is officially my third day of consecutive exercise. I've been trying to run every evening for at least 30 minutes. My hope is that I can stick to it this time.

I'd like to introduce a new section of my blog. I will try to post a great line or joke in every entry. I've noticed my blogs are a bit dreary so I'll try to spice it up with something interesting or funny. Here's the first.

"Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time!"

Haha. Don't take it so seriously, just laugh along with me folks. Just a reminder, please book all inter-island travel on Hawaiian Airlines, and not the beast that is go! airlines. Here's a link to Hawaiian Airline's website:

Until next time, take care everyone.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Aloha Aloha Airlines

I was watching the news all day yesterday about the shut down of Aloha Airlines.  I just felt sad.  I don't even fly Aloha anymore, I normally book my flights on Hawaiian, but I grew up with Aloha Airlines.  My family did most of their travel on Aloha Airlines while I was growing up.  I've always loved the airport environment and when you are a child, the experience is 100 more exciting.  I remember waiting in line to get on an Aloha flight just so I could get a seat next to a window behind the wing where I would have a good view of their jet engines.  I have great memories of Aloha Airlines.  I hope somehow, someway they are able to make a come back.  I have this frustration and anger toward go! airlines and its company, especially the way they moved in with huge financial backing to do just this.  Job well done!  Hopefully Aloha wins their lawsuit against go! and can bounce back.  If not, I wish best of luck to all of Aloha's employees.  One thing I can say is that I will never fly go!, never.